Dear John,
Here's the truth. Kids are going hungry, right here in America. A lot of kids.
Even one hungry kid is one too many. That's why No Kid Hungry is launching the 10 Million Meals Challenge, to make sure kids in every corner of the country get the meals they need.
And that's why we're so proud to join forces with No Kid Hungry as their national spokesfamily. We want you to share the moment.
When you donate to help feed hungry kids through the 10 Million Meals Challenge, we'll MATCH your gift. That means you can double your impact and help provide twice as many meals for hungry boys and girls.
We decided to lend our support to the No Kid Hungry 10 Million Meals Challenge to provide 10 million meals and 10 million possibilities for hungry kids all across the country and we hope you will, too. With our match offer, every $10 you donate can provide as many as 200 meals for kids in need.
When a child misses meals, everything is harder. Hungry kids fall behind in school. They get sick more often. And they're often overcome with anxiety about where their next meal might come from.
We've partnered with No Kid Hungry because they have the vision, the stamina and the track record that tells us they're getting things done. Since No Kid Hungry launched in 2010, childhood hunger has fallen by one-third with the help of people like you!
So John, this is us asking you join Team Curry with a generous gift to the 10 Million Meals Challenge. Until December 31, your gift will reach twice as many kids.
Join us this holiday season to make sure no kid goes hungry.
From our family to yours, our very best for a healthy and joyous holiday season.

Ayesha and Stephen Curry
Team No Kid Hungry
P.S. With every $10 providing up to 200 meals, your gift will put No Kid Hungry well on the way to meeting their 10 Million Meals Challenge goal!
Will you join us today with the most generous donation you can share, while we’ll match every dollar given?