News from Congressman Jake Ellzey


Dear John,

Recent News

In the last Supreme Court session, the Supreme Court announced the overturning of Roe v. Wade, returning the power to the states to determine their own laws on abortion. As a Christian and a father, I believe every life is a precious gift from God. I am proud of the steps my colleagues and I took during Texas' last legislative session to ensure the right to life and protect the unborn.

D.C. Update

S. 4160 Supreme Court Police Parity Act of 2022 - As a response to the assassination attempt on U.S. Supreme Justice Brett Kavanaugh's life, the House passed S. 4160, which provides the Marshal of the Supreme Court the authority to protect any immediate family of the Justices or any officer of the Court. I voted to support this legislation as it will uphold the independence of our highest court and shield the court from threats and intimidation.

S. 2938 Bipartisan Safe Communities Act - Known as the Senate gun reform bill, I voted against this legislation because it will not advance or protect second amendment rights and the “red flag” provisions are not acceptable. It provides federal government funding for states to implement and enforce "red flag" laws, creates a waiting period for some law-abiding adults who can otherwise purchase firearms, and prohibits individuals to purchase firearms for past non-violent non-domestic related misdemeanor violations. As a strong supporter of the second amendment and a gun owner, I could not in good conscience support the underlying bill even though it will provide funding for mental health services and some school safety measures.

H.R. 2543 Financial Services Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Economic Justice Act - I voted NO on this partisan and divisive bill that was put together by Democrat leadership. This legislation included egregious provisions that will hike regulatory costs by forcing small businesses to report diversity and inclusion data. It will expand the Federal Reserve's mandate to include socio-economic disparities instead of focusing on price stability and full employment. With inflation at record high levels, this legislation will only hurt American consumers and increase prices.

H.R. 7776 Water Resources Development Act of 2022 - I voted to support this bi-partisan legislation that will strengthen Texas' economy and its place in international commerce. This bill expedites a feasibility study for the Houston Ship Channel Expansion, which will decrease supply chain costs for consumers and create jobs. Secondly, this legislation will accelerate a feasibility for the Sabine-Neches Waterway navigation, which will further allow the US to export energy. This bill will bolster and make more resilient the Texas economic engine that drives the nation’s economy.

District Update

On June 8th we celebrated with Ennis their sesquicentennial. For 150 years, Ennis has successfully repositioned its strategic business focus from railroad, to agriculture, to modern industry.  Happy Anniversary to the City of Ennis!   

Recently I visited with the incredible team that is the DFW Airport Police and Fire Department.  The fire department at DFW Airport helps to oversee the safety of more than 70 million airline passengers per year. In April 2022, the DFW Airport was ranked as the second-busiest airport in the world. It was an incredible experience to see the firefighter training center and participate in a training exercise firsthand.


A special thanks to the Bell team, a subsidiary of Textron Inc., for their hospitality and allowing me the opportunity to prove that I can still land a helicopter! 

Another sentiment of thanks needs to go to America’s farmers. I appreciated the opportunity to be a part of the Ellis County Crop Tour hosted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. The expertise presented by Texan farmers did not go unnoticed. These men and women often do not receive the recognition they deserve for working 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 365 days a year to ensure that we have food to put on our tables.

To all those who serve their neighbors and continue to value the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, I say thank you. Give thanks to God for those who have sacrificed a great deal in order to preserve our independence and freedom. We are truly the land of the free, because of the brave. Happy July 4th to you and your families.

Walk with Jake

Click on the photo to watch my latest 'Walk With Jake'

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Jake Ellzey
Member of Congress
