Hi John,

Last week, my two daughters woke up to a world where they have fewer rights than I had at their age. The overturning of Roe vs. Wade marks a seismic and terrifying shift for the state of our country, our democracy, and the lives of millions of child-bearing people across the nation.

It's a dark time, and I would be remiss to say there's a silver lining to this moment. But, what we must remember is that change has never come from the top down. Transformation happens because of the fierce and relentless organizing of everyday people who care.

As outraged and heartbroken as I am from last week's news, I know there is hope. While my opponent and the rest of the GOP celebrated the ruling, mass protests erupted in all corners of the country proving that we will not go down without a fight.

Our campaign also saw some of our biggest end-of-quarter grassroots fundraising numbers of the year, blowing our $50,000 goal out of the water.

So, whether you donated, protested, petitioned, or just listened to those who needed it, thank you. Your actions matter and we must keep going all the way to November.

If you didn't get a chance to donate, there is still time! Chip in $5 or more right now to get anti-choice Mike Garcia out of office so he can't legislate our bodies anymore.

The lines have been drawn, John. It's up to us now to summon all strength, courage, and determination we can to take our country back. There is much more work to do, but it starts with making sure we vote out every single anti-choice GOP Republican, including Mike Garcia.

Thank you so much for giving me hope.

— Christy

Christy Smith is running an entirely grassroots campaign that doesn't rely on corporate PAC or special interest money. Your generous support is key to flipping CA-27 from red to blue. As one of only 14 "toss-up" races in the country, the path to holding our Democratic majority in Congress goes straight through CA-27. Will you pitch in and help flip this seat red to blue once and for all?