I know times are tough – but I also know that if we come together, we can make this proposal a reality.

Maura Healey for Governor

An annual $600 check per child.

That’s how much every family with a child under age 13 would receive under my proposed Healey Child Tax Credit. It would also apply to families with dependents with disabilities or over age 65.

I’ve heard from families all over about how the rising cost of living is impacting them. Child care isn’t affordable. Rent and mortgages are out of control. Groceries are expensive. Essentials like diapers and baby formula are being impacted by the supply chain and inflation.

I know times are tough – but I also know that if we come together, we can make this proposal a reality, support our families, and move our state forward. So I’m personally asking: will you sign on as a Citizen Co-Sponsor of this powerful plan?

Whenever I hear stories from families struggling to get by, I’m reminded of the sacrifices and hard work my mom put into raising me and my four siblings on her own for many years. She supported us by working as a school nurse and taking care of seniors in their homes. Things weren’t always easy, but we got by because we worked as a team.

The Healey Family

This state, our people – we’re a team. The Healey Child Tax Credit would help families cover the expenses they need, providing direct economic relief and putting money back into people’s pockets.

We need the support of Citizen Co-Sponsors like you to build momentum to pass meaningful policies like this. Can I count on you to add your name today?

Thanks so much,
