New listeners and longtime subscribers, we’re back with another season of Radical Imagination, hosted by Angela Glover Blackwell, PolicyLink Founder in Residence. 

In this season, we transcend the borders of geography and policy to explore transformative ways of healing and repairing the harms of the past, and how they interconnect with the revolutionary work of creating a just, equitable future.  

As we continue to navigate the intersection of our current compounding crises, many of us are asking ourselves, “What is required of us in this moment?” The answer is radical imagination a tool, practice, and way of being that pushes us toward the insights and strategies that remind us that a new world is not only possible it is indeed happening all around us. Radical imagination means that even when we don’t have all the answers, we believe wholeheartedly that the future is extraordinary and we continue to manifest that irresistible vision.

From reclaiming stolen land and housing justice to rewriting history and alternatives to 9-1-1, we meet courageous activists, visionary artists, and fierce organizers  people who think big and can challenge and stretch their own ideas about how to make change happen. We begin with Prentis Hemphill, founder of the Embodiment Institute, whose work focuses on healing through a holistic approach that centers justice and liberation of the mind, body, and community. Take a moment to listen for inspiration and reflection. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey. 


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