What is Title IX?


Title IX went on the books in 1972 with the stated intention to provide men and women equal access to opportunities offered by institutions that receive federal government funding.

Caleb Trotter takes a look back at the law’s impact, its relationship to sports, and how we should view Title IX moving forward.

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The Hill: What the government gets to know about you should be your choice


Under the Constitution, the Census Bureau has one job: to count the number of people in the country for apportioning congressional seats. That’s it.

But the Census Bureau today conducts other surveys, writes Adi Dynar, including the American Community Survey—a mandatory list of more than 100 questions that go far beyond a simple headcount.

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California Globe: University of California retreats from unlawful diversity statement mandates


In 2015, the University of California enacted a seemingly innocuous policy that said “faculty achievement that promote[s] equal opportunity and diversity should be given due recognition in the academic personnel process.”

Unfortunately, as Daniel Ortner points out, this modest mandate has grown into a leviathan that devours academic freedom and justifies racial discrimination.

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