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For Immediate Release: July 1, 2022
Contact Tabitha Walter
[email protected]
Eagle Forum PAC congratulates Illinois’s 15th District Representative Mary Miller and South Carolina Superintendent of Education candidate Ellen Weaver on their primary wins!
Due to redistricting, Rep. Miller was forced to run against five-term incumbent Rep. Rodney Davis. Rep. Miller faced recent attacks due to her opposition to last year’s military spending bill. However, these attacks left out the whole truth. She wasn’t opposing our military, but rather a leftist provision to draft our daughters. In the end, her conservative values toppled Rep. Davis’s RINO agenda.
Ellen Weaver faced a similar uphill battle against Kathy Maness, a union leader who perpetrated mask mandates in schools. Parents took notice as their rights to their children’s education were championed by Weaver. After finishing second to Maness in the June 14th primary, Weaver pulled ahead by almost 28 points in the run-off election securing her place in the general election.
“While Rep. Mary Miller and Ellen Weaver are running for two different offices, they are both working to defeat a more liberal stronghold that has prevailed in our communities,” Eagle Forum Kris Ullman said. “The people of Illinois’s 15th District and of South Carolina have voted for true conservatives who will uphold our American freedoms. Eagle Forum PAC is pleased to support both of these fine women in their primary victories.”

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