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Tonight, my husband Christopher Sare will present the proud American history of the construction of one of America's greatest infrastructure projects: the Erie Canal. It is very important to revive the American tradition of building great projects to make it possible for a growing population to have an improving standard of living. We have a severe crisis of water management in this nation, with Lake Mead evaporating at a rapid pace. A previous senator from New York, Robert Kennedy, was a staunch supporter of the North America Water and Power Alliance which would have solved this problem, in a continent wide canal and reservoir system.? I am proposing to revive that now.

Following tonight's symposium, we will have an organizers' call and discuss our July Fourth mobilization to distribute 100,000 leaflets.? The PDF is available here.?RSVP here to get the Zoom link for the organizers' meeting.?

FridayJuly 1, 7:30 pm: The Erie Canal, the Intention to Build a Nation






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