In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
The C of E's diocese of Rochester has been ordered to look again at cases of concern about the behaviour of clergy and church officers towards children and
vulnerable adults.
A survey by King's College London has found that 22% of students think free expression is under threat at their university. That compares with half of
students who think freedom of expression is being threatened in the UK overall.
A Holyrood committee has said the Scottish government should ensure FGM protection orders "are not something that is 'done to' a woman or community" by
better engaging with those affected.
The prince of Wales will host a reception at Buckingham Palace tonight to celebrate the role of the Jewish community in British life. The event has been
organised without any publicity.
Lectures by an Islamist preacher whose teachings helped to radicalise the London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan have been found on YouTube years after experts
warned of the dangers they present.
Refugees who have faced religious persecution will be given Indian citizenship under a bill backed by Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist government — but only
if they are not Muslims.
Megan Manson continues our election analysis of parties' policies on secularist issues. This time she examines the policies of the major parties of Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland.
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