please? 💔
Good evening, we’ll make this short because the email string below is long.
The funding deadline for Fauci’s deadly tick experiments on 6-month-old puppies is in half an hour, and we still haven’t raised enough to cover our rapid response costs.
Will you please consider rushing just $1.08 (one cent per beagle) to help us free the Kansas 108?
Here’s a link to the donation page:
With urgency,
Team WCW
From: Christine McPherson
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 10:52 AM
To: Taxpayer <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: 1¢ per puppy
Dear Taxpayer,
I’m writing you today because 108 beagle puppies will soon undergo extremely painful (and horrifying) tick experiments in a Kansas State University lab -- funded by Dr. Fauci with your tax dollars.
Here’s what we know about the Kansas 108:
- They’re all beagles
- They’re just six to eight-months-old
- They’re so tiny – some may only weigh 6 lbs
- Most of the puppies are likely tri-color (meaning their little fur coats are mostly white and decorated with areas of black and brown)
- They aren’t given names, just ID numbers 💔

We also know that out of the 126 total puppies slated for this lab, 18 have already been exterminated by Dr. Fauci’s white coats… even though they could have been adopted out. More on that below.
But Taxpayer, there is hope for the Kansas 108. And that’s where you become a critical part of this effort.
If we can rally Congress to block Fauci-payout #5R01AI070908 before the government’s June 30th funding deadline, we can help prevent the Kansas 108 from being eaten alive by insects and help ensure they are adopted out to taxpayers instead of killed.
Will you consider donating even just $1.08 (1¢ per puppy) to fund our emergency campaign to help rescue the Kansas 108?
If the button doesn’t work, you can use this link:
Christine McPherson
Development Manager
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Please see WCW SVP Justin Goodman’s email below for more details on this cruel and wasteful lab.

Taxpayer, BeagleGate continues…
In a few days: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, run by Dr. Fauci, is due to renew tax funding for a NEW round of fatal puppy experiments in Kansas that will make your skin crawl… and your blood boil.
If we don’t block Fauci-payout #5R01AI070908 before the government’s funding deadline on June 30, 108 more beagle puppies will be EATEN ALIVE by hundreds of BLOOD-SUCKING TICKS.
This is a HARD GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: Please take immediate action to help us stop Fauci and his white coats from torturing and killing the Kansas 108!

June 30 Deadline!
Taxpayer, if Fauci and his white coats get their way, this is what will happen to the Kansas 108:
- MUTANT BACTERIA: Fauci’s white coats will inject her with a lab-made mutant bacteria. She’s only 6 months old.
- BLOOD-SUCKING TICKS: Then, they’ll cover her in 250 blood-sucking ticks for up to seven days. She’ll suffer as they feast on her live body.
- BLED TO DEATH: She’ll be kept alive with painful infections for two months… until Fauci’s white coats stab her heart and bleed her to death.

June 30 Deadline!
Taxpayer, the alleged purpose of these experiments is to create a treatment for a tick-transmitted bacteria… but there’s already an effective treatment readily available!
And that’s not even the worst part…
Fauci's white coats will watch the puppies suffer for eight weeks with painful infections and then willingly slaughter all 108 of them… even though they have the option to treat the infections and adopt out the puppies to loving taxpayer homes afterward.

Taxpayer, these experiments are not only incredibly cruel but a blatant waste of taxpayer dollars and, more importantly, innocent lives. And we shouldn’t be forced to pay one more cent for it.
If you agree, please rush whatever you can afford to help us block Fauci-payout #5R01AI070908 and save the Kansas 108!
June 30 Deadline!
Taxpayer, Fauci and his white coats have already wasted $5.6 million in taxes and killed at least 18 puppies for these horrific blood-sucking tick experiments.
But these mad scientists won’t be satisfied until they get what they want: even MORE of your cash and 108 MORE dead puppies!
But with your help, we can defeat them and save the Kansas 108!
Our strategy is simple yet extremely effective: Stop the money. Stop the madness.
White Coat Waste Project (WCW) works directly with Congress to cut tax funding for horrific animal experiments like these.
It’s how we’ve ended over 80% of dog testing within the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Taxpayer, we only have a few days to stop Fauci’s white coats from killing and feeding 108 more puppies to blood-thirsty ticks.
Please rush an emergency donation before June 30th to help us block Fauci-payout #5R01AI070908 BEFORE the new round of experiments begins.
It’s the only way to save the Kansas 108.
Please hurry,
Justin Goodman
Sr. Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. These blood-sucking tick experiments are NOT Dr. Fauci’s first offense. WCW’s BeagleGate investigation exposed his long history of funding torturous, painful puppy experiments. In fact, Fauci’s known to rip out lab beagles’ vocal cords to shut them up from howling in pain.
Please be a voice for puppies and take action immediately before he and his white coats get away with more wasteful spending and more beagle slaughter. Taxpayer, you and I are the Kansas 108’s only hope of survival.
Stop the money.
Stop the madness.