A new study says Medicare for All could have saved more than 200,000 lives in the US during the pandemic.
Of the 25 wealthiest countries in the world, the US had the highest COVID death rate and remains the only one without universal health care.
A third of COVID deaths were linked to lack of health insurance due, in part, to loss of employment and employer sponsored insurance.
Here at Six PAC, we support progressive Democrats who support Medicare for All, the only just health care system.
Medicare for All would have saved over $100 billion in pandemic related health costs. For profit and underfunded public health programs left our medical infrastructure unprepared to handle the massive strain of the pandemic.
While the country suffered through the pandemic, corporate health insurance and Big Pharma posted some of their largest profits and CEOs scored huge bonuses!
Corporate health care interests and Big Pharma spend millions on candidates working to stop Medicare for All.
Help us fight back with BIG grassroots support for Progressives and Medicare for ALL! Donate before tonight's midnight FEC deadline.
Cheers to your health,
The Six PAC
The Six PAC is a Federal PAC created to support six carefully selected rural and progressive Democrats. We will focus on candidates who need early money, who face tough primaries against establishment candidates, and who are committed to building power for their community. We will accept no corporate money. This is grassroots money for grassroots candidates. Chip in $3 or more to our work here.
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To contribute by mail, send a check to:
The Six PAC
c/o Taylor Kovach, Deane & Co.
1787 Tribute Rd Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815