An extremist minority is imposing their unpopular views on the rest of America. But they don’t get the final word. There are ways we can fight back — and we must. I have a plan on how we can restore our democracy so that a small group of right-wing radicals can no longer drown out the will of the people.
Warren Democrats

I want to be direct.

An extremist minority is imposing their unpopular views on the rest of America. 

But they don’t get the final word. There are ways we can fight back — and we must. 

I have a plan on how we can restore our democracy so that a small group of right-wing radicals can no longer drown out the will of the people.

  • Expand the Supreme Court to rebalance it.
  • End the filibuster to codify Roe.
  • Fix the Electoral College so popular-vote losers like Donald Trump can’t stack the courts again. Remember: Five justices who ended the right to abortion were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote.

There are real solutions to the root cause of this crisis but it’s going to take big ideas — and big, structural changes. 

I’m going to continue dreaming big and fighting hard — but I can’t do this alone. If you’re in a place to give right now, please pitch in $3 or anything you can to power our movement to make our democracy work for everyone.

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I’ll keep working on immediate next steps — like supporting the Biden-Harris administration’s executive actions, expanding our Senate majority so we can end the filibuster and codify Roe, and electing downballot Democrats and passing ballot initiatives to protect abortion rights at the state level.

But we’re also keeping our eyes on the big picture: a democracy that reflects the will of the people. And we’ve got a roadmap.

This is worth fighting for — and I’m going to give this fight all that I’ve got. Thank you for being by my side. 

There are a zillion ways to be in the fight, from joining local groups to knocking on doors — but if you’re able to make a donation today as well, it would go a long way to build our movement.

Thanks for being a part of this, 


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