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Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care
Four Speech bubbles. The first says "I wouldn't be alive if there were no Medicare." The second says "The new benefits under Medicare Advantage are a lifesaver". The third says "I wouldn't be walking if Medicare hadn't made double knee replacement possible." The fourth says "Medicare has been the difference between having enough money to have food on the table."

Last month, we asked our community to take our pledge to protect patient care and push back against cuts to Medicare. You showed up, in a big way! Tons of people from District Of Columbia, and many others across the country, sent a powerful message that we must protect this vital program. Thank you!

This fight is not over, though, and it’s not too late for you to sign the pledge. Can we count on you?


Hospitals are facing a perfect storm. The health-care sector has lost nearly half a million workers since the start of the pandemic, creating a severe workforce crunch. Those who have stayed are experiencing unprecedented burnout after years of wave upon wave of COVID spikes. Inflation and supply chain issues have made everything more expensive, tying hospitals’ hands as they try to fill the gap. The last thing they need now is to be stretched even further by Medicare cuts.

Will you take the pledge to support Medicare?


Thank you for showing up for patients, hospitals, and health care workers!

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P.O. Box 30211, Bethesda, MD 20824-0211