"Border Patrol currently apprehends about 7,800 migrants per day. If Title 42 is gone, the administration predicts that apprehensions may more than double, to 18,000 per day. That would overwhelm law enforcement, shelters, and social services.
This impending disaster -- which is completely preventable -- stems from the ongoing sabotage of our asylum system.
...Lured by this de facto legal status, droves of immigrants began pouring over the border. Most were fleeing poverty, not violence.
Courts ultimately denied the majority of petitioners' asylum claims after examining the facts of their cases. Of the roughly 20,000 individuals from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador who passed an initial "credible fear" screening in fiscal 2018, only 9 percent were granted asylum by an immigration judge. A broader analysis shows only 20.51 percent of all asylum claims were granted in the same period.
But so many people started petitioning for asylum that the courts backed up. That enabled illegal immigrants to stay and work in the United States for years. Annual asylum petitions soared from fewer than 33,000 in fiscal 2010 to 195,000 in fiscal 2020."