 Dear Friends & Neighbors,
The Hertaus family wishes you a safe and happy Independence Day as we celebrate our nation?s Declaration of Independence.
This holiday weekend comes with a great sense of appreciation for our forefathers who laid the foundation for our nation. The United States of America has enjoyed unrivaled freedom and liberty throughout its existence as a result of that revolt against British tyranny nearly 250 years ago. We are collectively indebted to those who sacrificed so much in the name of liberty while fostering an air of optimism that we can do our part as current generations to keep America?s legacy strong and well.
As you enjoy this Independence Day holiday, please be safe out on the roads and on the water.
 Rep. Jerry Hertaus
Please visit my legislative website for the latest news and information from the House:
State Rep. Jerry Hertaus 389 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd St. Paul, MN 55155 [email protected] (651) 296-9188 |