Dear John,
I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the news that Roe v. Wade is overturned! Even with this monumental news, I urge you to join me to continue standing for life. TODAY is the last day of the fiscal year – and your last chance to give toward the urgent $840,000 goal before the deadline of MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
I can’t overemphasize how important meeting this goal is for the critical year of ministry ahead in a post-Roe v. Wade America.
The landscape for life has shifted across the nation with the court's incredible reversal. Twenty-six states have enacted lifesaving abortion restrictions, while 24 other states have unfortunately allowed the atrocity to remain widely available and continue unabated.
It’s crucial that champions of life like you and me step up for innocent life at this unpreceded moment in our nation.
By giving TODAY, you will help to quickly expand the National Rescue System into more abortion-dense areas, ensuring that it’s strong and able to serve more families with God’s love. Because of you, more moms will receive help and hope at their moment of desperation. And instead of believing they have no options other than abortion; they will be empowered to choose life for their precious children!
If you can give above and beyond RIGHT NOW, I really need your support
Will you give an immediate gift of $50, $100, or your best gift to help meet the urgent fiscal year-end goal? Will you give to rescue as many children as possible from abortion this coming year?
The pro-life movement stands at the most pivotal inflection point in half a century, and it’s no exaggeration to say that your support is needed now more than ever before. The abortion industry is doubling down on their deadly agenda in the wake of Roe’s repeal.
Children are still at risk of abortion – and they need YOU to stand in the gap for them.
Your gift TODAY will ensure the lifesaving rescue effort can continue strongly forward in the coming year and reach more vulnerable families – especially in the 24 states where abortion remains legal and where preborn children and their families are in the most danger. Without this support, too many moms will feel lost in their hopelessness and make the most tragic decision.
That’s why acting NOW is so important.
Meeting the goal of $840,000 by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT – which is just a few hours from now – will make the National Rescue System as strong as possible for a post-Roe environment. This means more moms will be reached with lifesaving care, more children will be rescued from abortion, and more families will be restored to stability. The difference you make will impact families for generations.
But time is quickly running out!

Will you serve a mom facing an unexpected pregnancy? Will you rescue their children from abortion?
For children and families,
Benjamin Watson
VP of Strategic Partnerships
P.S. Don’t forget – you must give by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to help meet the critical $840,000 goal and ensure the National Rescue System is ready to rescue more children and families from the horror of abortion in a post-Roe America