Dear Friends,

Thank you for joining us on the National Mall and virtually for the Unity March this past Saturday, the first ever Asian American-led march and multicultural event to advance socioeconomic and cultural equity, racial justice, and solidarity.

2022 Unity March

Through the Unity March, we spoke on events affecting Asian American and other BIPOC communities over the past years and ended with a multi-pronged call to action to build momentum for future activism.

Advancing Justice – AAJC expresses our deepest gratitude to our co-organizers, APIAVote, Gold House, Indian American Impact Project, NCAPA, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates, SALDEF, APALA, NAKASEC, and National ACE for their work and support in organizing this multicultural mobilization.

We extend our appreciation for the generous support from our Unity March sponsors The Asian American Foundation, Kevin Li Designer, Airbnb, and PepsiCo.

(From left to right, top to bottom: Tamlyn Tomita, Kelley Robinson, Linda Sarsour, Gareth and Fe Hall, Geena Rocero, Thuy, Deanna Singh & Bachan G. Singh, Lance Fisher & Giovanna Gross)

We thank all of our speakers, community members, and allies who hailed from around the country for this historic moment to rise in unity against white supremacy and violence as we rebuild a future that values and protects the civil and human rights of all of us.

You've marched with thousands of allies to call for change. Now, it's time to take action. Take the Unity Pledge today to make a commitment to vote, get connected, and get educated.

Take the Unity Pledge
2022 Unity March

If you missed the event on Saturday, please check out our Unity March Representation and Rights videos HERE. You can also visit the Unity March website and follow us on social media Twitter/Instagram/Facebook for updates and recaps of the event.

Thank you for bringing your united voice on June 25 to demand full rights and representation for Asian American and allied communities. Together, we will continue to tell our story of pan-racial power, unity, and resilience. 

In Solidarity,

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC

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Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC · 1620 L Street NW Suite 1050 · Washington, District Of Columbia 20036 · USA