
The deadline to submit your candidacy to be on the next DSA-LA Steering Committee, or to be a Branch Coordinator in your local DSA-LA branch is tonight at midnight.


The Steering Committee consists of six at large members, the Communications Director, the Finance Director, and the Recording Secretary. The committee’s responsibilities are outlined in our bylaws here.

Branch Coordinators are the key liaisons for our various local branches, Central, the Westside, and the San Fernando Valley, to the rest of the chapter. Their full responsibilities are outlined here.

As our current Steering Committee member, Aridane Limite, said at our recent annual local convention:

“We are here today because we believe another world is possible. Capitalism has created a crisis and the only solution is to build a mass movement for socialism. Everything we do today works toward this goal, and we’re excited to do it with energy, intelligence, humor, and kindness. And we should be proud of the ways in which we’ve committed ourselves to bettering this organization, fighting for our shared goals, and building a better world.”

Consider submitting your candidacies for these important roles before midnight. 

All candidates must be members in good standing. If you’d like to join the organization but are having a hard time paying dues right now, inquire about our Comrades 4 Comrades program here.

We have the world to win!

Solidarity Forever,



Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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