From Lindsey Graham <[email protected]>
Subject Senate Update: GA, NV, and WI
Date June 30, 2022 7:06 PM
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Ron Johnson, Herschel Walker, and Adam Laxalt need our immediate
help before midnight!


To stop the Biden-Harris agenda and flip the Senate in November,
we need to win in Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada. These are
three of the most important Senate races in the country.

That means Herschel Walker (R-GA), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Adam
Laxalt (R-NV) need our immediate help!

I'll give it to you straight, John. Everything is on the line
this year. We can win back the Senate majority this November,
but Democrats are HEAVILY outraising our Republican candidates
across the country.

John, Herschel, Ron, and Adam have one of the biggest
deadlines of their general election campaigns tonight at
midnight. All three conservative all-stars are being attacked by
their Democrat opponents and need our support to respond.

With Democrats outraising Republicans across the country, we need
to help Herschel, Ron, and Adam if we want to flip the Senate.
Will you donate to help them before June is over? With one
click, your contribution will go to help all 3 campaigns and our

I am determined to make sure our candidates have all the
resources they need to win this November. That's why I am
emailing you today.

Conservatives from around the country helped me in the past, and
now I'm asking for you to help in Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada.
Will you send $4, $10, or even $22 right now?

In the last election, Hollywood elites and radical left activists
funneled over $130 million to my Democrat opponent because they
knew what was at stake - the Senate majority. While I won my
race in South Carolina, we lost the Senate majority because we
lost the runoff elections in Georgia.

There is a silver lining. Right now, it's forecasted that a
Senate in 2022 "leans Republican," but if Democrats keep
outraising us by millions in the top targeted races, they could
spend their way to victory.

John, I am asking for your help today so that these three
Republican candidates are not outraised and defeated.

Please chip in to help Herschel Walker in Georgia, Ron Johnson in
Wisconsin, and Adam Laxalt in Nevada so we can stop the Biden


Lindsey Graham

P.S. Tonight at midnight is a huge benchmark for our races in
Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada. In a couple of weeks, Herschel
Walker, Ron Johnson, and Adam Laxalt's second quarter fundraising
numbers will be made public to the Federal Election Commission.
Please don't let them get outraised! Chip in to help before
tomorrow at midnight!

Donate Today &rarr;

In the United States Senate, South Carolina's Lindsey Graham has
earned a reputation as a conservative, a problem-solver, and a
leader who gets things done. He is a great friend to our men and
women serving in uniform, a respected voice on national security
matters, a leading advocate for cutting the out-of-control
spending in Washington, and a champion for confirming
conservative judges.

Support Senator Graham!

We want to make sure you're a proud member of Team Graham, and we
don't want to bother you. To receive only the most important
emails, please click here. We'd hate to see you go, but if you'd
like to unsubscribe, please click here.

Paid For By Team Graham, Inc.

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