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Dear John,
With summer now upon us, it's the perfect time to empower yourself with anti-bias learning through our
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mini-lessons for educators .
These short, interactive 15-25 minute online learning experiences include classroom applications and strategies to promote anti-bias learning. Move at your own pace, pausing and resuming as needed.
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The Pyramid of Hate
Understand how hate can escalate when biased attitudes go unchecked. Use this mini-lesson to learn how to teach ADL’s Pyramid of Hate to your students.
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Teaching The Identity Iceberg
Recognize and understand the multiple dimensions and complexity of identity. Use this mini-lesson to challenge and avoid stereotypes and identity-based bias.
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What Is Anti-Immigrant Bias?
Uncover the stereotypes that fuel anti-immigrant bias and helps you cultivate an inclusive classroom environment.
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Explore what microaggressions are, how they are experienced and the most effective way to address them.
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What Is Bias?
Learn about the differences between explicit and implicit bias and how to challenge it in our everyday lives.
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Teaching the 4 I's of Oppression
Investigate the 4 I’s of Oppression framework and unpack how oppression operates as a system.
Photo credit: Allison Shelley|EDUimages
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Learn more about all of
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ADL Education's Professional Learning opportunities to equip yourself with tools to engage young people in conversation around bias.
If you have any questions or are looking for additional resources, feel free to contact us
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here .
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The ADL Education Team
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