A June spotlight on the economic justice stories we still need to tell within the context of Juneteenth and the fight for LGBTQ+ rights
● June 2022
Cristina Díaz Borda, Digital Content Producer
Dear John,
During the month of June, we see the national commemoration of several movements and communities, like LGBTQ+ Pride and Juneteenth. We also use this time to reflect on what has been done since June of 2020, where there were world-wide ([link removed]) protests for Black Lives, conversations on race ([link removed]) , and, somewhat empty corporate commitments ([link removed]) .
However, as these movements gain awareness and acceptance, we also see them being commercialized and stripped of their original significance. Companies ([link removed]) —all too happy to use rainbows, parade appearances, and more to market to LGBTQ+ people—turn around and actively donate ([link removed]) campaign funds to politicians who would strip them of their rights. This parallels closely with the beginnings of the commercialization of Juneteenth. Companies that target and sell expired goods ([link removed]) in BIPOC communities now sell Juneteenth decor, using commemoration as cover for their exploitation.
This commercialization hides past and present economic injustices and can disconnect many of us from the history that makes our work necessary. And as a majority women, BIPOC-led organization, we have the added work of holding how these issues affect us personally, while needing to show up for our colleagues and our community.
In this newsletter, you’ll read about the parallels between Juneteenth and Pride’s commercialization ([link removed]) and how the origins of Juneteenth propel our work ([link removed]) . You’ll also learn about how we navigate the challenge of speaking up ([link removed]) as an organization when issues can affect us so deeply.
* Rainbow Capitalism’s Parallels with the Commercialization of Juneteenth ([link removed])
* When Speaking Up Requires All We Have ([link removed])
* The Racial Wealth Gap Is A Legacy Of Slavery — But We Have The Power To Build a Better Future ([link removed])
With Love,
● Narratives to Build Collective Economic Power
In Narratives to Build Collective Economic Power, our series with Nonprofit Quarterly, community wealth builders from our network write about how their work challenges conventional narratives and offer new ways of thinking about who can be owners in our economy.
* Building Economic Power by Changing the Narrative ([link removed]) —Allison Jones, Vice President of Brand and Storytelling at Common Future
* The Struggle for Black Land: Preserving Heirs’ Property by Building Trust ([link removed]) —Dr. Jennie L. Stephens, Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation
* World Building, Ancestral Wisdom, and Economies of Abundance ([link removed]) —ChristinaMaria Patiño Xochitlzihuatl TouTou Soutil Houl, Cofounder at Las Imaginistas
Do you know an experienced storytelling professional excited about reimagining the systems and narratives that shape our economy? Common Future and Imperative 21 are seeking an individual or team to serve as Editor-in-Chief of a new narrative platform exploring how business, finance, and policy can accelerate our transition to a just economy. This person/team will lead three prototypes of a comms vehicle to inform the winning strategy to launch a regularly produced product in January 2023. Proposals due by 7/15.
Learn more and apply ([link removed]) .
We hope you’ll take this time to reflect with us and share what we’re doing to create a more inclusive economy. Like the stories you read? Share them with your network on social and be sure to tag @commonfutureco ([link removed]) .
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