
This is a dangerous and uncertain time for America.

The stakes for our country have never been higher, in part due to the rise of fundamentalist, extremist, and fascist politicians who are pursuing an oppressive and restrictive vision of America that is nothing short of frightening.

A recent example is, as always, Lauren Boebert. At a religious service in Colorado last Sunday, she said: “The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our Founding Fathers intended it.”

She added: “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk that’s not in the Constitution."
Boebert has obviously not read the Constitution, or she would have come across the 1st Amendment (the very first one!) which states very clearly that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." But more importantly, her comments are an admission of the Right's ultimate goals: a government, and a society, that is ruled by Christian-fundamentalist values and ideals.

These are the challenges, and the stakes, but here's what we've been doing with your help to counter this as much as possible:

  • Letting voters know throughout Colorado about the Right's agenda, and how people like Boebert are tools for their ultimate vision
  • Partnering with voter turnout organizations like Rideshare2Vote, and focusing on low-propensity voters to boost turnout among key groups
  • Building out the digital infrastructure to raise awareness around key congressional and statewide races in Colorado, including the new tossup 8th District that must not be won by the GOP

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Thank you for fighting for a free, inclusive, and secular America.

-Colorado Turnout Project Team
Paid for by the Colorado Turnout Project PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the Colorado Turnout Project are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal tax income purposes