On Tuesday, in partnership with the Long Beach Business Journal, I
delivered my final Building a Better Long Beach presentation as Mayor.
Each year, this presentation highlights the ongoing construction,
development and investment that's happening across Long Beach
to create new and affordable homes, good jobs, business opportunities
and public amenities for our city. It was great to be able to showcase
this amazing work in-person and reaffirm our community's economic
growth and recovery.
You can view the presentation: here

Altogether there is $475 million in new construction activity
expected throughout Long Beach by the end of 2022. We're welcoming
major improvements to our airport, nearly 4,000 new homes in the
pipeline, and our unemployment rate has dropped to 4.6% — even lower
than our pre-pandemic levels.
There's so many amazing projects that have either been completed,
are under construction or have been approved. I'm especially excited
about the efforts we're taking to reimagine the costal gateway to our
city along Pacific Coast Highway in southeast Long Beach.

We're going to transform this area along the Marina and San Gabriel
River with four new developments to bring more than 1,300 units of
housing — including affordable housing — plus modern commercial and
retail space to southeast Long Beach. Not only will this help better
activate an amazing part of our city, but it will help create space
and even more opportunities for residents, businesses and visitors to
our city.
I want to thank everyone that made this event and each of these
projects possible from the City Council members who supported these
efforts in their districts to our Development Services Department who
work each day to build a better city for us all. Our progress over the
last eight years has been truly remarkable, and I know Long Beach will
continue this amazing work for years to come.
Thank you and Go Long Beach,
Mayor Robert Garcia