Dear John,
The U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision today in the case of West Virginia v. EPA, striking down the clear statutory authority of the EPA to regulate climate pollution and safeguard the health of people, the planet, and our economy. The decision endangers our country’s ability to confront the climate crisis at the pace and scale science says is necessary. It also underscores the urgent need for Congress to pass an economic package with ambitious federal clean energy investments in the coming weeks.
The ruling flies in the face of established precedent and imperils the U.S. economy, as well as the health and safety of Americans and communities across the globe. It is unjustified and lacks standing. The EPA has long held the authority to regulate harmful pollutants, including carbon, and there is significant business support for the certainty and economic benefits that regulation provides.
Removing the U.S. government’s ability to regulate carbon pollution deals an enormous blow to our country’s ability to mitigate the already-catastrophic human and financial costs of climate change and carries far-reaching implications for the U.S. economy and the American public.
Now it’s more important than ever to contact your elected officials to tell them that you support climate action and want the U.S. government to do everything in its power to regulate climate emissions. |