
Tonight’s the night, and the end of the 2nd quarter is just hours away from showing if we have the grassroots support to flip the House this November.

Over the past two years, Beth has worked tirelessly to protect our state from the Left’s disastrous management and hypocrisy. She sued Biden for keeping masks in place, worked to support our police and border patrol, and fought back against rising prices.

She knows how to stand up for our values, and with the election just around the corner, tonight’s results will show if we have the momentum to Fire Pelosi! This is why Beth needs to finish the month stronger than ever - so she can show Democrats they have NO shot of taking our seat.
Tonight at midnight is the deadline, any amount is appreciated and confirms what we know already, Beth’s grassroots army cannot be defeated! 
Thank you for helping Beth finish Q2 STRONG,
Team Van Duyne