You’ve probably seen the news. Millions of birds roasted to death in a brutal extermination practice called “Ventilation Shutdown Plus.” And maybe you’ve heard about the release of USDA records, detailing spine-tingling abuses of chickens in slaughterhouses across the country.
Right now, with a bright spotlight on the darkest corners of the food industry, we’ve got a prime opportunity to pressure companies to STOP these horrendous practices.
But to do that, we need your support. The good news is that, as of today, another donor has stepped forward to increase our match! That means all gifts will be doubled, for twice the impact, up to $30,000!
Please don’t let these opportunities pass us by. Living creatures deserve better than this. Please make your urgent gift right now!
Thank you for your compassion. Together we can give animals the life they deserve.

Vicky Bond
President |