Gig economy workers hit by high fuel prices and layoffs

High fuel prices, income cuts, and a global economic slowdown have put gig workers in a precarious position

Crabbers face danger and poverty to save Ecuador's mangroves

Coastal communities who protect Ecuador's carbon-absorbing mangrove forests find their livelihoods - and lives - under threat


OPINION Digital Services Act: time for Europe to turn the tables on Big Tech

The EU’s new Digital Services Act is a blueprint for forcing Facebook, Youtube, and other major online platforms to tackle the serious risks they pose to individuals and the public sphere. Its success now depends on whether EU officials will effectively enforce the law

OPINION: Silver bullet tech solutions to climate change can't save our planet

But cutting out fossil fuels can

OPINION: Remembering JFK’s best friend, whose sexuality kept him in the shadows

Sixty to ninety years ago, it was scandalous to have a gay friend. Lem Billings’ role in the Kennedy Administration went entirely unsung.

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