From Lydia Brimelow <[email protected]>
Subject Thank You! Amazing Fundraising Kickoff Broke’s Record for One-Day Giving!
Date December 4, 2019 8:33 PM
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Tuesday's kickoff of's year end fundraiser started with
what I thought was a challenging goal: to bring in $5,000 in one day to
meet a matching donation pledged by one of our standout donors. Little
did I know what an enormous groundswell of support we would receive,
ultimately breaking's 20 year record for donations in 24

We promoted the initial challenge in the usual ways across all social
media platforms and via email. But I'm always on pins and needles in
anticipation of a fundraiser. On Tuesday morning the donations started
coming in early and generous - what was encouraging quickly became
astonishing, and by noon eastern time we were mere dollars from meeting
our $5,000 goal. It was still mid-morning on the west coast! So I
started calling around to some of our most generous friends.

My first call was to South Carolina, to the donor who gave us the
initial $5k, to see if he, like me, was high on the turnout and inspired
to increase his gift. He was, indeed, delighted by the money coming in
but was tapped out. Too many obligations to the tax man and a nagging

Next call was to Washington state, to a donor who first donated last
December after finding us on Twitter. He's frequently in the
wilderness, so I wasn't surprised to have to leave a voicemail.

Then I rang Oklahoma, to one of our most engaged donors, a man who has
been funding - and other dissident right organizations --
for more than twelve years. But he's already doubled his giving to this year and cheered me on to call upon someone else.

Finally, I called another Washington state donor (we have a very
generous pocket of readers in the Pacific Northwest) who has been
generously supporting for close to fifteen years. I hit
voicemail with him, too.

Meanwhile the tally kept rising. As did the mood in the office, I can
assure you! Noah on video support began putting together the intro and
graphics for the evening's livestream while my assistant and I called
out each time a new donation came in. It was wild, and at times wacky.

"$55 from Pennsylvania!"

"OH! $200 from Idaho!"

Suddenly the phone rang. Our friend had emerged from the wilderness.
"This matching grant has really inspired people today, and I think a
stretch goal would keep the momentum up," I told him, "we might even set
a record for giving. What do you think about pledging $2,000?"

Without missing a beat, he said "I was thinking about $10,000."

And just like that, we had a stretch goal twice the size of our
original. Even more amazing: it was met by individual small donations
within two hours.

I ordered Chinese takeout for the team - John Derbyshire, Noah the
video tech, my assistant, Peter and myself - as we switched gears
heading into the livestream slated for my living room. My kids were all
excited to have so many guests for dinner, and it turns out John never
has Chinese takeout, presumably because he has a Chinese wife, so I like
to think it was exciting for him too! As we negotiated with the children
about their appearance on camera to say "Merry Christmas," the phone
rang again.

As soon as I picked up the phone, almost without saying hello, my
fifteen-years-loyal donor announced, "I'm pledging $5,000, how much do
you have in so far?"

At this point, we had only barely met the first stretch goal and the
night was closing in on the east coast. Sure, we had the livestream
coming up, but I worried that maybe we had captured everything there was
to capture. But why not give it a try? We'd already broken the record
for one day of mass giving - but we may as well SHATTER IT! As Buzz
Lightyear said, to infinite and beyond!

I shouldn't have doubted. This community always comes through when we
need you.

Two hours later, as we closed out the livestream, we were only $387
short of the super stretch goal. That amount - and more - came in
within minutes of turning off the mics. By midnight we surpassed the
super stretch matching by over $1,000, bringing our 24 hour total,
including the fully matched pledges, to $42, 574!

That's almost a quarter of the way to our final goal of $200,000 that
we need to reach by January 1.

In one day.

Thank you.

**Thank you**.

We have a lot more in store for you during this Year End Appeal, and
I'm so looking forward to amplifying different voices from our staff
and supporters as they ruminate on's 20 years of patriotic
immigration reform. But ultimately, this is about you, our readers,
America's patriots. may be the voice of the historic American nation, but we are
only the voice. The community is the body. And we're getting stronger
every day.

Help us reach our final goal - let's keep up this incredible
momentum. Please, give your most generous donation now


Lydia Brimelow Publisher
[email protected]

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