From Brand New Congress <[email protected]>
Subject POLL: Majority think country is headed in the wrong direction
Date June 29, 2022 11:00 PM
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John – Take a moment to let this sink in. A new poll shows the overwhelming majority of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction – including nearly 80% of Democrats. [[link removed]]
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Of course, if you look around, that news is not surprising to any of us.
We are facing multiple, concurrent crises and the people in leadership do not seem to be up to the task of addressing any of them.
Student debt is still ballooning. Housing prices and rents are skyrocketing. Gas prices are out of control and food prices are worse.
The January 6th hearings are revealing a massive web of criminal conspiracy that includes sitting members of Congress – yet none have been held accountable.
And a rogue Supreme Court is steamrolling our civil rights like a runaway freight train.
There are people in Congress leading with moral clarity right now, who recognize this is a moment of crisis and it demands a crisis response. Those people are our BNC representatives.
AOC, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman and others have called on the Senate to abolish the filibuster, and pushed to expand the court. Now they’re calling for justices who lied under oath or overreached their authority to be impeached.
Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi has the audacity to decry the fall of Roe when mere weeks ago she was actively campaigning for an anti-choice Democrat in an election that Jessica Cisneros very nearly won.
The American people are crying out for concrete action, and we must rise to meet this moment.
People think the country is moving in the wrong direction – and they’re right. They think their leadership isn’t doing enough to change that – and they’re right. That’s why Brand New Congress works to send bold, progressive fighters like AOC and Cori to Congress. Will you make a contribution today to sustain our work? [[link removed]]
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If Republicans retake the House majority, they’re going to pursue the most radical political agenda this country has seen in a century – starting with a federal ban on abortion.
And if the last five decades are any indication, Democrats are going to stand by and watch it happen.
We’re electing a new generation of leaders who will fight for ALL of us and get this country back on track.
We’ve got less than 48 hours to meet our quarterly fundraising deadline, and we are still very short of the budget we MUST raise to support our candidates with elections coming up in August. Can you pitch in now to help us close the gap? [[link removed]]
In solidarity,
Brand New Congress
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Since 2016 BNC has led the way in advancing popular policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. We invest EARLY to help grassroots candidates succeed. We recruited and elected AOC in 2018 and Cori Bush in 2020 alongside Jamaal Bowman and Rashida Tliab. And we have our first win of 2022: Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick won her primary by FIVE votes thanks to BNC.
We have elections from now until November, and our candidates are counting on your support. Pitch in today and join us as we take over Congress and return power to the people.
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