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We're on the ballot, now flood the state with reality, distribute 100,000 leaflets over the Fourth of July!

Topic: Sare Campaign 8:00 pm Meeting
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Meeting ID: 871 5255 3882
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My Fourth of July message can be read here. Given the escalating war danger, which was not helped by the ongoing NATO summit, where everyone seems to have lost their mind, we must take the occasion of the anniversary of our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain to renew our commitment to the goodness of our nation.

Remember, the cause of the current crisis has nothing to do with Russia nor Ukraine, but with the bankruptcy of the trans-Atlantic order, and the desperate efforts of a group of billionaires to impose a genocidal "great reset" on all of us, in the name of stopping climate change.?

I am joining Helga Zepp-LaRouche in calling for a New Bretton Woods conference, which will wipe out the speculative debt, while protecting the sovereignty of each nation and its people, including the right of each nation to have food and energy self-sufficiency.??

The idea is to distribute 100,000 copies of the July Fourth message over the hoiday, and we need all hands on deck to do it.? Please get on the call tonight to join the mobilization. You can click on the link below to print the leaflet.

Topic: Sare Campaign 8:00 pm Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 5255 3882
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+19294362866,,87152553882# US (New York)
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+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)





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