
Let’s cut right to the point: Beth needs to raise $6,800 in the next 24 hours, so we need all hands on deck right now!

The 2nd quarter is almost over, so we are giving you this status update to let you know we're behind and Beth needs this support to continue her fight for North Texas. 

In case you didn’t know, the FEC requires every campaign to disclose its numbers at the end of every quarter, meaning anyone can see our campaign resources. Democrats will be watching Beth’s race just as they did in 2020, and your support could make all the difference!
Our country cannot continue down the path it’s going, which is to destruction and Socialism. Something has to change…

The Democrats have shown they have no regard for the lives and well-being of Americans, and while Beth keeps fighting to put us FIRST, she needs to know - will you pitch in and help her raise $6,800 in the next 24 hours?
Thank you for your urgent support, 
Finance at Team Van Duyne