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Hi there, John -- we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this important message from Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding the Supreme Court’s disastrous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Unless we take action, young women growing up today will have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers did. As both Speaker Pelosi and Amy have emphasized, our only option is to expand our Democratic majorities this November so we can codify Roe v. Wade into law and ensure every woman in the United States has the freedom to make her own healthcare decisions.

That’s why Speaker Pelosi and Amy are urging Democrats to fight back by splitting a donation between them -- two pro-choice women who will fight for reproductive freedom. If you’re able, will you pitch in now?

Thank you,

Team Klobuchar

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Nancy Pelosi
Subject: RE: Roe v. Wade

John, I need your immediate attention.

Trump’s Supreme Court just ruled to rip reproductive rights away from every single woman in this country.

I don’t say this lightly, John:

How we act TODAY will decide the future of reproductive rights.

We can either sit back and admit defeat to these far-right extremists...

Or we can RISE UP and meet this ONCE-IN-A-GENERATION moment. Please, John, I’ve never needed your support more than today. Can you split a donation between my campaign and Amy Klobuchar so we can WIN these midterms and finally codify reproductive rights into law? >>

John: This isn’t a normal fundraising email.

And a normal response won’t suffice.

Tomorrow morning, Republican operatives will look at our results from THIS EMAIL to see whether strong Democrats like you are fired up.

If we post the same run-of-the-mill numbers, Republicans will think they can get away with ANYTHING.

So John, I’m asking you to step up in this moment of crisis.

Our ONLY option is to marshal a response so historic -- 100,000 gifts before midnight -- that we DEFEAT every Republican that made this happen, EXPAND our Majorities, and FINALLY codify our reproductive rights into law. So John, can I expect to see your name on my "Pro-Choice Champion" list tomorrow morning? >>

I know you’re livid, John. We both are. But in times of crisis, our ONLY response can be to stand up and fight for what’s right.

Thank you for fighting with me on the right side of history.



Klobuchar for Minnesota
P.O. Box 4146
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States

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Any contribution history information in this email is based on our digital contribution records associated with this email address. If you have donated with a different email address, via mail or in another way -- thank you so much! Your contribution is reflected in our files and we truly appreciate your support.

Paid for by Klobuchar for Minnesota
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