From Independent Institute <[email protected]>
Subject The Lighthouse: Biden’s Oil Fiasco | Inflation Via Cronyism | Shame on Economists
Date June 29, 2022 8:23 PM
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President Biden ran on the premise that he would end all fossil fuels during his tenure, and he’s well on his way....
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June 29, 2022 • Weekly Newsletter
Biden and Oil: Destroy America in Order to Save It ([link removed])
Victor Davis Hanson (American Greatness)
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President Biden ran on the premise that he would end all fossil fuels during his tenure, and he’s well on his way. Witness the checkbook-vaporizing high gas prices. What’s also sky-high? The resulting unpopularity, just before the midterms, of the Democratic Party. The fix? Biden needs more oil (of course). But from our enemies? READ MORE » ([link removed])
Hot Talk, Cold Science (2021)Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate (Revised and Expanded Third Edition) ([link removed])
By S. Fred Singer et al.
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What Can Healthcare Prices Teach About Inflationary Woes? ([link removed])
Raymond J. March (American Institute for Economic Research)
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Healthcare is full of examples of privately lucrative but publicly harmful political exchanges. Pharmaceutical companies, for example, sometimes spend more on lobbying than on research and development. Such cronyism increases the influence of the politically connected. Is a similar incentive problem driving today’s inflation? READ MORE » ([link removed])
A Better ChoiceHealthcare Solutions for America ([link removed])
By John C. Goodman
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The World Is Facing Its Day of Inflationary Reckoning ([link removed])
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Hill)
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Between 2008 and 2020 the U.S. money supply almost doubled, and in these past two years alone it rose by 46 percent. Plus, much of that recent demand-inducing stimulus was designed to crush the supply only a staffed economy can deliver. The result? Double-digit price inflation. And the same dynamic is only getting worse around the world. The chickens, as they say, are coming home to roost. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Lessons from the PoorTriumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit ([link removed])
Edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
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Economists Should Know Better than to Support Big Government Democratic Policies ([link removed])
John C. Goodman (Washington Examiner)
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If you are an economist, it’s hard to be a Democrat these days. The reason: so many Democrats reject actually workable solutions—the ones that involve voluntary exchange for mutual benefit by self-interested actors. But without markets, what’s left? Command and control—in political life, social life, and the economy. READ MORE » ([link removed])
The Terrible 10A Century of Economic Folly ([link removed])
By Burton A. Abrams
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The Latest from The Beacon
* Sri Lanka’s Death by National Debt ([link removed]) , by Craig Eyermann
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* Why Studying Economics Instills Gratitude ([link removed]) , by Caleb S. Fuller
* What Francis Fukuyama Gets Wrong ([link removed]) , by Richard W. Fulmer
* Problems With Jimmy Carter-Joe Biden Comparisons ([link removed]) , by Jon Miltimore
* Jurassic World: Dominion Falters on Heavy-Handed Eco-Disaster Message ([link removed]) , by Samuel R. Staley

The Latest from Catalyst
* Alarming Inflation Undercuts Progressive ‘Greedflation’ Narrative ([link removed]) , by Brad Polumbo
* The Politics of Gas ([link removed]) , by Brady Leonard
* Supreme Court Ruling Protects Constitutional Right to Self-Defense ([link removed]) , by K. Lloyd Billingsley

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