From Jim Himes <[email protected]>
Subject Can you help CT Dems before tomorrow’s deadline?
Date June 29, 2022 6:53 PM
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This month, we have watched in horror as Republicans pursued their radical agenda, stripping countless people nationwide of access to critical, and often life saving, reproductive healthcare.

John, if the GOP takes the House and Senate, they will undoubtedly continue their attacks on our fundamental freedoms.

Electing Democrats up and down the ballot here in Connecticut is the one sure way to win this fight.

We can’t allow Republican extremism to succeed, which is why I’m asking if you can donate to the Connecticut Democratic Party before their end-of-quarter fundraising deadline tomorrow: [[link removed] ]Donate Now [[link removed]]

This quarterly deadline is the most important one yet of the 2022 election year. Connecticut Democrats have the opportunity to prove that they have the support and momentum necessary to win on Election Day.

Far-right Republicans are mobilizing across Connecticut, targeting Democrats in races up and down the ballot. The CT Democratic Party’s voter outreach needs your grassroots support in the face of the GOP’s dark-money powered campaigns.

Donate before tomorrow’s deadline to help the Connecticut Democratic Party build a robust voter outreach plan and get out the vote for Democrats up and down the ballot: [[link removed] ]Donate Now [[link removed]]

Connecticut has succeeded against extremists before – and with your help – we will do it again.

Thanks for stepping up,

Congressman Jim Himes
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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