My endorsement:

Ilhan for Congress


When we face threat after threat to our basic rights and our very democracy, it’s powerfully important to support candidates who understand the stakes of these challenges — and have a plan to fight back.

I'm proud to endorse Ilhan Omar for re-election because she’s never stopped fighting for bold, progressive change to make sure everyone has a fighting chance at the American Dream — no matter their income or ZIP code.

And I’m asking if you can pitch in to support her with a donation today. Last quarter, she was outraised by her conservative primary opponent — so she’s counting on this grassroots movement to deliver strong numbers this quarter and raise the resources necessary to win.

Early donations go the furthest before her August primary to prepare to fight back against any outside spending.

Conservative donors spent millions against her last cycle, and billionaires and super PACs are flooding primary races across the country with last-minute attacks trying to defeat progressive women of color. Ilhan could be their next target.

If you’re in a place to make a contribution, will you chip in $5, $10, or any amount before Thursday’s FEC deadline so Ilhan is in a strong position to win?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Ilhan has fought beside me since she was elected to Congress. She is a champion for the working class, a strong fighter for climate action, a fierce advocate for abortion rights, and one of the leading voices in Congress for canceling student debt. We can't afford to lose her voice in Washington, especially at this all-hands-on-deck moment.

Let’s fight by her side to win this race and put working people first. If you’re able to make a donation before the FEC deadline, chip in any amount you can to help Ilhan’s campaign fight back against any attacks, get out the vote, and win.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for being a part of this,
