On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. This change returns the issue of abortion to the state level, where voters and their elected representatives will now decide how abortion will be regulated, and in some states, restricted.

While IWF doesn't take a position on abortion, we recognize this decision will have myriad policy and political implications. There's a new spotlight on family policy — including paid family leave, child care, foster care and adoption — as well as women's health and access to birth control. Also back in the conversation is the structure of the Supreme Court.

Here are some IWF resources on these topics: 


Champion Women Profile Series
Featuring Raychel Renna
by Charlotte Hays — Read.


SEC’s New ESG Rule Hurts America’s Small Farms and Ranches

As small farming and ranching operations struggle to bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic and supply-chain disruptions, the federal government is preparing to throw another hurdle their way. The Security and Exchange Commission's (SEC) proposed new Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rule would require registrants who do business with small operators “to include certain climate-related disclosures” called Scope 3 Emissions. Farmers and ranchers, however, aren’t public companies nor “registrants” reporting to the agency. But the aforementioned provision will adversely affect their operations and impose steep costs and liabilities. Read more.


Think We Can Avoid a Recession? Fat Chance

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell — who recently won a second term after being re-nominated by President Joe Biden despite spectacularly failing to prevent painful inflation — finally admitted his botched approach to controlling inflation could plunge America into a recession. Powell’s claim flies in the face of consumer sentiment plummeting in June to the lowest level ever recorded in the 70-year history of the University of Michigan index. It is a stunning figure, lower than what we saw in the tumultuous days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The index fell to 50.2 from 58.4 in May — already a recession-level reading — and was far below the 58.1 projected by economists. Read more.


Take Action Against Target

Did you know Target is selling clothing with pro-transgender messages for kids as young as TWO YEARS OLD? Just take a look at some of the products available on the Target website. Why are we using babies and toddlers to send messages about sexual identity?

Join members of Independent Women's Network and fight back. Urge Target CEO Brian Cornell to end all partnerships with radical activist organizations and stop selling products that push gender ideology on children.

Target is way off target.  



The Power of the Administrative State

In this age of COVID, federal administrative agencies have never been so powerful. 

Can you identify which of the following statements about an administrative state is not true? 

A. In our system of representative government, Congress alone makes the law, the President enforces or executes the law, and the Supreme Court interprets the law.
B. Administrative agencies do twelve times as much law-making as Congress.
C. The Chevron doctrine requires the judiciary to defer to an agency’s interpretation of federal law even when that interpretation is not the best one.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: On this episode, Carrie Sheffield, IWF senior policy analyst, joined the program to discuss how the Left is forcing those with lower incomes toward riskier and more expensive alternative banking options that could push them over the financial edge. Listen here.
Listen on your favorite podcast app: 
  • Next Episode: On Friday, Dr. Louann Brizendine, neuropsychiatrist, joins the show to discuss the release of her new book, The Upgrade, The Female Brain, and The Male Brain. Hear it here.


First Hospitals Fined for Not Practicing Price Transparency

The federal government fined two hospitals in Georgia for failing to provide consumers with online prices for medical services, a move that comes over a year after federal law began requiring hospitals to be fully transparent about costs.


The OECD’s Global Minimum Tax Rate Will Cost US Companies

At a time when inflation is running rampant, supply chain issues continue to plague Americans, and the economy is flailing, American multinationals now have tax increases to worry about. And it’s fair to ask how this is the case when there has been no significant legislation that would increase taxes on U.S. companies.

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