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Economic Democracy Weekly

Today’s Economic Democracy Weekly examines how who owns the economy must shift to achieve a more democratic economy. We begin with an article by co-op developer Omar Freilla that looks at how co-ops, backed by an ecosystem of support, can build ownership and wealth in Black communities. Next, Kyle Strickland of the Roosevelt Institute offers his vision for multiracial democracy rooted in material equity. Then Peter Sabonis highlights the role of community ownership and public ownership of finance in achieving housing justice. Lastly, we conclude with an article by Christina Houle, the latest entry in our series with Common Future, Narratives to Build Collective Economic Power, which highlights how the arts and Indigenous practices provide valuable tools for building community-centered economies.

Sustaining the Rising Tide of Black Co-ops: An Ecosystem Approach

Behind a recent surge in interest in Black co-ops lies a developing ecosystem of Black cooperatives and support organizations. Ensuring Black co-ops thrive requires supporting this ecosystem’s growth. Read more…
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What Do Justice and Democracy Require? Towards a Vision of Liberation

For too long, racial justice in the US has been impeded by neoliberalism. Liberation requires linking repair and redress with an expansive vision of material equity.
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Advancing Housing Justice: Three Key Steps

In Baltimore, community activists are looking to combine three policy levers—land trusts, housing trust funds, and public banks—to achieve lasting housing affordability. Read more...
Hollywood Storytelling Techniques that Boost Your Online Fundraising
The right story told the right way has the power to make a connection with your audience that leads to action. Use these Hollywood secrets to boost your online fundraising.
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World Building, Ancestral Wisdom, and Economies of Abundance

How can we reimagine value to create abundance and possibility? New economies will require a shift in social awareness and a return to the wisdoms of first peoples. Read more...
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