
Dear John,

Will you support the only candidate in our race endorsed by the San Diego County Democratic Party and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest?

I’ve spent my life empowering women in business, healthcare and politics—serving on the board of Planned Parenthood, starting Athena San Diego for women in tech and biotech, and founding Run Women Run to elect San Diego women. Planned Parenthood honored me with the Sara Moser Award for starting Run Women Run.  I have also spent my life solving problems and implementing change in government, business and non-profits.

Donate here to support the only candidate in this race who is endorsed by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest.

My opponent is endorsed by the Republican Party.  He initially supported Ted Cruz for President, attended a fundraiser for Donald Trump, and demonstrated against the appointment of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Some analysts believe that other rights, such as gay marriage and access to contraception, could be in jeopardy. The incumbent, his boss, initially refused to marry gay couples when gay marriage was legalized in California.  Do you trust my opponent to do the right thing?

Special interests are already sending mail through an independent committee to support my opponent. Mail this early across the County suggests that special interests are going to spend lots of money. They know that with my background, I will figure out that they have gamed the system and cheated the public out of revenue we deserve for education and other important programs.

Donate here to fight back against special interests trying to game the system!

I’m running for San Diego County Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk to bring transparency, equity, integrity and accountability to an important office that has operated under the radar; an office in desperate need of new technology and modernization to ensure that all properties are appraised at their value under the law so that the correct amount of property taxes is paid.

A lot is at stake.  I need your support now with my June 30 deadline to level the playing field.  The maximum contribution is $900 per person.  I appreciate whatever you’re able to contribute to help me reach my goal.  If you’re unsure about what you’ve already contributed, please contact me.

With gratitude,

[email protected]
(858) 248-9465


Paid for by Barbara Bry for County Assessor 2022. FPPC ID 1441650