
Dear Friend,


Adhikaar is the country’s only worker and community center dedicated to serving and mobilizing the Nepali-speaking community. Advancing the rights of low-wage immigrant workers, particularly Domestic Workers, is at the heart of this work. 


Domestic Workers make all other work possible. And yet, Domestic Workers regularly face exploitation, discrimination, and abuse on the job – with long hours, low wages, and poor legal protections. To address these challenges, we offer culturally competent rights-based training on issues such as wage, health and safety  to our members in Nepali. Through these programs,  our members gain the skills and knowledge to engage in negotiations, advance their skills as professional nannies and advocate for their rights as Domestic Workers.

This is a highlight of our transformative work advancing the rights of Domestic Workers.. To learn more check out our recent newsletter and consider a donation to support our work. Your donation helps Adhikaar meet the challenges of today and build a system that works for all of us.


In solidarity,  


Pabitra Khati Benjamin,

Executive Director, Adhikaar