Illinois e-News Release

June 29, 2022

Paul Wappel (IDOT) 217.685.0082
Maria Castaneda (IDOT) 312.447.1919
Melaney Arnold (ISP) 217.524.2500

Impaired driving? It’s Not a Game

Fourth of July traffic enforcement encourages safe, sober driving

SPRINGFIELD – With summer in full swing and traffic fatalities on the rise, the Illinois Department of Transportation is teaming up with the Illinois State Police and law enforcement throughout the state to increase safety enforcement efforts. Motorists will see the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign in action through July 5, with zero tolerance for those driving impaired by alcohol, marijuana or other drugs.

“If you’re celebrating July Fourth with alcohol, marijuana or other impairing substances, plan for a sober ride home before the fireworks begin,” said Cynthia Watters, IDOT’s bureau chief of Safety Programs and Engineering. “Making these simple decisions ahead of time will help ensure everyone makes it home from the festivities safely.”

The campaign features stepped-up enforcement by state police as well as more than 200 police and sheriff’s departments across Illinois. The effort is administered by IDOT with federal funds and coincides with the comprehensive multimedia campaign “It’s Not a Game.”
“Illinois State Police Troopers will be out in full force over the holiday weekend looking for impaired drivers,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. “Driving while impaired due to alcohol or drugs can be a costly decision that puts your life and the lives of other people on the road in danger. Be responsible this Fourth of July and don’t lose your independence by losing your license or your freedom by going to jail.”

Last year in Illinois during the July Fourth holiday period from July 2-5, there were 22 fatalities. That’s the highest total in the last five years.

Remember these tips for safe and sober travel:


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