For Immediate Release: June 29, 2022 Contact: Cassie Nichols [email protected]
ICYMI: Kansas Hits Lowest Unemployment Rate in Recorded History
KEY QUOTE: “My Administration has worked to ensure that every Kansan who wants a job, can have a job,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “I’m proud that we have achieved the lowest unemployment rate in our state’s history at 2.3%, over a full percentage point below the nation’s unemployment rate. We will continue breaking economic records by prioritizing job creation, business investment, and workforce development.”
Kansas Shows Lowest Unemployment Rate in Recorded History 06.20.22 | KFDI
Kansas hits lowest unemployment rate in recorded history 06.20.22 | Yahoo News
KS reaches lowest unemployment rate ever 06.20.22 | KSNF
Kansas hits lowest unemployment rate in recorded history 06.20.22 | KWCH
Kansas hits lowest unemployment rate in recorded history 06.20.22 | Junction City Union