Dear Friends,

With only two days left in Torture Awareness Month, we are in the final days of our $30,000 challenge match fundraising campaign.

Will you contribute to NRCAT today with a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to strengthen our work to close Guantanamo prison, support campaigns across 19 states to pass legislation to end solitary confinement, and advocate to ban the CIA from using armed drones worldwide?

Every dollar you give this June will be matched thanks to a few generous donors.

  • $50 will allow us to provide a banner and educational materials to a faith or student organization in support of our campaigns to end torture.
  • $150 will provide an honorarium for a survivor of solitary confinement to speak in a public education event or webinar.
  • $250 will provide a mini-grant to a local congregation to screen Torture in Our Name -- our new film on state efforts to end solitary confinement.  
  • $500 will fund a local grassroots advocacy event in support of our policy priorities in Washington, DC for the Biden Administration or Congress.

With your donation, your advocacy, and your prayers, you are supporting the tireless work of the staff, board, and grassroots network of NRCAT – getting us one step closer toward our goal of a torture-free world.

With gratitude,

Ron Stief
Executive Director

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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