TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report Wednesdays with Warner for the PRO Act: Wed, June 29, 8:15am – 9:15am Windmill Hill Park, 500 S. Lee St., Alexandria, VA
68th week of the vigil to protest Senator Warner's opposition to the PRO Act which would repeal the so-called "right to work" laws; penalize companies that fire workers for organizing; and allow "gig workers" to bargain over their pay. We would like our elected leaders to champion worker rights rather than obstruct them.
Bargaining for the Common Good Hosts a Private Sector Strategy Session: Wed, June 29, 9am – 12pm Register Now
Labor Barbecue for Fairfax County Board Chair Jeff McKay: Wed, June 29, 11am – 1pm
NoVA Labor union hall - 4536 John Marr Drive, Annandale (map) Everyone is welcome for lunch outside the union hall; come out to support Chair McKay and thank him for his leadership and support for working families! CLUW Emergency Meeting re: SCOTUS decision: Wed, June 29, 8pm – 9pm
The attack on reproductive rights is a labor issue. We -- the Coalition of Labor Union Women & allies -- are coming together to discuss how we organize. Please grab your sisters, mothers, daughters and allies -- all are welcome who want to resist these assaults on workers' rights. Your Rights at Work (Preempted this week for national Pride Month programming): Thu, June 30, 1pm – 2pm
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, June 30, 6pm – 7pm Meeting for union members and friends of labor in Arlington.
Pride at Work: Thu, June 30, 7:15pm – 8:15pm
Pride at Work is our support and advocacy group for LGBTQ+ workers. Everyone is welcome! |
DC teachers rally for contract
For several months, Washington Teachers Union Local 6 has been in negotiations with the District for a new contract. Yesterday, teachers rallied on Freedom Plaza to express their frustration with ending the school year without securing a contract. “Our contract team is made up of classroom teachers who sit at the table day and night negotiating on behalf of our members in addition to their responsibilities as classroom teachers,” said WTU Local 6 president Jacqueline Pogue-Lyons (top right, with mic) at the noontime rally. WTU made it clear they are not just fighting for their members but all DCPS employees and students. “We want safe and healthy working conditions which ultimately are learning conditions for students and all workers,” Pogue-Lyons said. “But one thing we better know that the future holds for us is unity, not just as this teacher's union, but unity with everyone that works in the school building.” “Whenever you all are in a fight, we are in a fight,” promised Metropolitan Washington Labor Council president Dyana Forester (bottom left, with mic). “And at the end of the day, I believe you will get the contract you deserve."
photos by Chris Garlock/Union City |
Share this win with workers
DC Jobs with Justice is ramping up their minimum wage outreach this week. “Community groups, unions, student-led groups and faith-based organizations have been fighting for a livable wage that allows for comfortable and dignified living,” says DCJWJ Organizing Director Nadia Salazar Sandi. On Friday, July 1st, “the result of a monumental win takes effect: minimum wage increases to $16.10 (tipped wage $5.35)!” Join DCJWJ in the streets Thursday and Friday for ROC Workers Fight Back Outreach + Labor and Trades Unite Outreach. “Amplifying the voices of those affected is part of our core principles and it would not be possible without your participation,” adds Salazar Sandi. “We appreciate your efforts and encourage you to remain engaged in the fight for dignity and respect for domestic workers!”
AFGE reelects national officers
Delegates attending the American Federation of Government Employees’ 42nd National Convention in Orlando last week reelected the union’s top three national officers. National President Dr. Everett Kelley, National Secretary-Treasurer Eric Bunn Sr., (who also serves as Treasurer for the Metro Washington Labor Council) and National Vice President for Women and Fair Practices Jeremy Lannan all were reelected to their positions. “I’m humbled and honored that AFGE’s delegates have placed their faith in me to lead this federation for another term,” Kelley said. “Our time is now to secure a better future for the dedicated public-sector employees we represent and all the hard-working Americans we serve every day.” Read more here.
Belarus union leaders under attack
Nearly two dozen union leaders in Belarus have been arrested in recent weeks and reliable sources tell Union City that the government is now moving to liquidate the unions, including the Belarus Congress of Trade Unions (BDKP), after union leaders publicly opposed the Russian war in Ukraine. At least 18 remain in prison, where detainees are routinely tortured. Several have criminal cases against them, and the Supreme Court is moving to liquidate the organization and its affiliates. The BKDP has put out a call for international solidarity and supporters are signing this LabourStart petition.
Today's Labor History
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Working People’s Hidden Histories; Last week's show: Labor history at the AFL-CIO & Labor Notes.
June 29
An Executive Order signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt establishes the National Labor Relations Board. A predecessor organization, the National Labor Board, established by the Depression-era National Industrial Recovery Act in 1933, was struck down by the Supreme Court - 1934 IWW strikes Weyerhauser and other Idaho lumber camps - 1936
The U.S. Supreme Court rules in CWA v. Beck that, in a union security agreement, a union can collect as dues from non-members only that money necessary to perform its duties as a collective bargaining representative - 1988
June 30 Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) founded in Chicago - 1905
Alabama outlaws the leasing of convicts to mine coal, a practice that had been in place since 1848. In 1898, 73 percent of the state's total revenue came from this source. 25 percent of all black leased convicts died - 1928
Up to 40,000 New York construction workers demonstrated in midtown Manhattan, protesting the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s awarding of a $33 million contract to a nonunion company. Eighteen police and three demonstrators were injured. "There were some scattered incidents and some minor violence," Police Commissioner Howard Safir told the New York Post. "Generally, it was a pretty well-behaved crowd." - 1998
- David Prosten.
Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus click here for more listings! |
Administrative Receptionist (Bilingual), UFCW, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/22/2022) District of Columbia
Administrative Assistant, NFT, based in Norfolk, VA (Posted: 6/23/2022) Virginia
Communications Web/Digital Content Lead, UFCW, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/28/2022) District of Columbia
Info Tech
Junior Data Engineer – Data & Analytics Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/22/2022) District of Columbia
Misc Campaign Coordinator – Public Division, SEIU, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/23/2022) District of Columbia
UniServ Director / Internal Organizer, MCEA, based in Rockville, MD (Posted: 6/28/2022) Maryland Contract Administration Representative, SEIU 500, based in Gaithersburg, MD (Posted: 6/27/2022) Maryland
State Democracy Policy Director, LCV, location is Flexible (LCV is headquartered in Washington DC, the employee may decide whether to work remotely or from an LCV office) (Posted: 6/22/2022) District of Columbia
Research Librarian I – Research and Collective Bargaining Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/24/2022) District of Columbia |
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today’s Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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