From Peotter <[email protected]>
Subject Make Colorado Free again
Date June 29, 2022 1:48 AM
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Tonight, Colorado’s Republican party made the same mistake again. They nominated a moderate Democrat that thinks Biden won fair and square in 2020. 

Joe O’Dea likes to talk about how Michael Bennet spends too much of your money. However, he’s all too happy to endorse Congress spending $6 Trillion to bail out corporations during the lockdowns of 2020, while families and small businesses were paid a pittance. He talks about how America needs to fight against foreign boogiemen like Russia and Iran, after two decades of wars in the Middle East that have cost tens of thousands of American lives and trillions of your dollars, and caused more people around the world to hate America and want to bring the war to our land.

He says that the Democrats have turned Denver into a disaster. He is right, but Joe O’Dea has no room to talk. He donated to the campaigns of both Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper, and now he wants to be the one to fight against the same problems he supported. He can line up all the old establishment Republicans he can find, to say that he won’t compromise on the issues Republican voters care about, but that isn't true. 

My name is Brian Peotter, and like many in this state, unabashedly pro-life. O’Dea and Bennet are for murder. On your ballot this November, I am your option that will stand for the rights of the unborn. . 

 As your Senator, I will not sit quietly as your rights are taken away one by one. I will not send your sons and daughters to die overseas. There will be no compromise on your right to open your business, walk into a restaurant, or sing in church. I will not be content with slowing down the march of the Progressive movement. Instead I will fight to get both Denver and Washington, D.C., out of your lives and out of your pockets, permanently. Instead of throwing your vote away on a Democrat, cast it for me this November, and we can fight to Make Colorado Free Again.

I am available at <[link removed]> or (720)-878-9517  

Please share this message, a full pdf available on my website. 

Brian Peotter

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Peotter - CO 80228, United States

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