
Let’s get something straight: Mark Kelly has failed as a U.S. Senator, and as a result, WE are paying the price…

Whether it’s the disastrous economic policies that HE voted for, or the record Border Crisis that HE promised to do something about, every single one of his inactions has left #WeThePeople dealing with the chaotic consequences. 

Arizona is fed up with his Do-Nothing, Open Borders approach - in November, Kelly is going to be held accountable for causing these crises that continue to worsen by the day!
Even the national media is starting to see the signs… Check out the Texas astronaut making this list of Senators who are most likely to lose their seat in 2022:
Dems like to point to Kelly’s ability to haul in Zuckerbucks and grift off the far-left base as their reason for why he’ll hold onto his seat…

But they’re overlooking one key thing: the strength of our grassroots, America First movement.

Yep - Mark Kelly’s fate is spelled out right there in the article… “A motivated GOP voter base this fall could turn the tables on him.”

If our Silent Majority of grassroots patriots stays the course, we’ll go on to FIRE Mark Kelly this November!!!

Thank you for helping give AZ a new Senator this year,

AZGOP Grassroots Team

P.S. - Being the boldest and most effective state party in the entire country has also put a target on our backs here in Arizona… In order to keep up our vital work on Election Integrity, Get-Out-The-Vote, and more, we need your support! Every bit helps, so if now works to rush in even $2, click this link! Thanks again for keeping up the fight!