J Street

Friend --

The exact midpoint of 2022 is July 2 -- but we’re still $40,000 short of our midyear fundraising goal.

With AIPAC and its allies continuing to funnel millions into defeating pro-Israel, pro-peace progressive candidates, and the Israeli right continuing to advance significant new settlement plans, along with demolitions and evictions, our work remains as urgent as ever.

Unlike our opponents, we don’t have right-wing billionaires funding our work. We rely on grassroots donations from thousands of supporters like you -- supporters who are determined to fight back for diplomacy and democracy.

As we race toward our deadline, I wanted to share 5 reasons to consider making a contribution -- of $18, $54 or any other amount -- to fund J Street’s important work in 2022.

Every dollar helps J Street close the $40,000 midyear shortfall >>

Protecting democratic freedoms and coutering AIPAC's influence.

J Street is proud to stand among those fighting to protect democratic freedoms and values at home and abroad.

In this critical election cycle -- with the future of democracy at stake -- AIPAC is fundraising for 109 Republicans who voted to overturn President Biden’s election, funneling millions of dollars from Republican billionaires into Democratic primaries, and pushing back against any effort on Capitol Hill to voice support for Israel’s democratic future or Palestinian freedoms.

At J Street, we’re countering AIPAC’s influence by giving voice to the true values and beliefs of most Jewish Americans and Democratic voters. We’re refusing to allow AIPAC to undermine democracy either here, or in Israel, under the absurd notion that it’s the only ‘pro-Israel’ path.

For us, being pro-Israel and pro-peace means standing firm for the founding values shared by the United States and Israel -- democracy, equality, justice and peace.

Showing Congress the reality of conflict and occupation firsthand.

In February, the J Street Education Fund took its largest ever Congressional delegation to Israel and the West Bank. Ours is an honest, balanced and fact-based trip that allows Members of Congress to understand what’s truly happening on the ground.

Unlike other trips, ours gives elected officials a full picture – meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders and peace activists; hearing first-hand accounts of settler violence, home demolitions and rocket attacks; and visiting divided cities like Hebron, where the ongoing and devastating toll of the occupation is undeniable.

The impact such trips have is profound -- not only spurring Members to show bold, meaningful leadership for peace and justice but inoculating Congress against the misleading talking points advanced by the right-wing.

Mobalizing bold action for peace, leadership agaisnt settlements.

J Street is Washington’s leading advocate for bold US action to promote Palestinian rights and secure Israel’s future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

Thanks to determined advocacy by our movement, together we rallied more than 80 Members of Congress -- including nearly half the Senate Democratic caucus -- to speak out against the Israeli government’s Masafer Yatta demolition plans which would see over 1,000 Palestinians lose their homes. We’ve rallied thousands of supporters across the country to call on President Biden to state clearly and unambiguously that settlements are illegal under international law.

But while we’ve made significant progress, there is much work left to do. Together, we’re committed to transforming political incentives for American leaders to speak out strongly for peace, justice, and human rights for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Shaping our politics: Elected prinicpled, pro-democracy leaders.

Through JStreetPAC and the J Street Action Fund, our movement is standing firmly behind principled, passionate leaders who champion diplomacy and democracy, at home and abroad.

While AIPAC’s SuperPAC spends millions to silence and defeat the growing number of elected officials and candidates who criticize occupation, oppose illegal settlements, and warn about the dangers posed to Israel’s future, J Street is doing everything we can to have their backs.

From continuing to engage in critical Democratic primaries to helping fortify our endorsees in the general election, J Street is committed to electing and reelecting a new generation of principled, values-driven leaders and forging a better future for pro-Israel, pro-peace American leadership.

Fighting for a safe, just, democratic Israel.

J Street will continue to stand proudly for our vision of Israel as a peaceful, just and democratic homeland for the Jewish people, and a state for all its citizens.

We’ll continue to give voice to the overwhelming majority of Democratic voters and Jewish Americans who know there is no contradiction in supporting rights, freedoms and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.

We’ll stand proudly alongside our progressive Israeli partners working to save and strengthen democratic institutions and values -- and make clear that fighting endless occupation and struggling for real peace is the only way to secure Israel’s future and end decades of conflict and suffering.

Our work simply isn’t possible without the help of thousands of grassroots advocates and supporters, and we deeply appreciate every contribution.

As we seek to close our $40,000 midyear fundraising gap, I hope you will consider a contribution to help fuel our progress in the months ahead.

Make a contribution of $18, $54 or any other amount >>

Thank you, sincerely, for your support.


Adina Vogel-Ayalon
Chief of Staff, J Street

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© 2022 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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