Dear John,

Wow!! Can you believe it?? The Roe v. Wade abortion case has been STRUCK DOWN by the U. S. Supreme Court!! This has been our goal for many years!! In fact, our decision and leadership to pass the pro-life Texas Heartbeat law was motivated by the idea that such a law could also lead to pressure on Roe v. Wade to be overruled.


And we SHOWED UP at the U. S. Supreme Court (see our picture below), urging the court, in a legal amicus brief, to overturn this awful abortion case that was decided in 1973 and has led to over 63 million babies dying from abortion. But we need you now, by our June 30th fiscal year-end deadline as the abortion supporters and Biden Administrations are trying to scare us into silence and strike fear in mothers all over the state! We must protect them!! 


In fact we have been “showing up” for the past 10 years, as Texas Values has worked and led the efforts to keep Texas as a state where God is honored so that … religious freedom flourishes … families prosper … and every human life is valued.  Our website will connect women and families with the protection and resources they need to preserve innocent human life! 

We also support religious freedom efforts, like the recent U. S. Supreme Court victory for Coach Kennedy, after he was fired for praying on the 50 yard line after a game. We submitted a legal amicus brief at the High Court to protect football prayers and others all over Texas. (Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz at the U. S. Supreme Court)

                                  And I know you share in this mission with us....

That’s why your tax-deductible gift at the end of our fiscal year (Thursday, June 30th) is so critical to help Texas Values raise the $300,000 needed by June 30th to cover our expenses and ensure we enter this season strong. Thanks to the generosity of several of our supporters, we have a time-sensitive Matching Grant Challenge that will double your gift to Texas Values. 2022 has been an incredible year for faith, family, and freedom because of our work at Texas Values.

And it’s only made possible because of your support! But we need your immediate support to ensure more victories are secured. Please make a generous tax-deductible gift to help us take full advantage of the matching grant by Midnight on June 30. And thanks to our Matching Grant Challenge, your donation today (up to $150,000) is effectively doubled$100 is worth $200, $500 is worth $1,000

and $2,500 is worth $5,000. I know the impact your donation will have for Texas.

So, I ask you to respond quickly to ensure your gift is included in our $150,000 Matching Grant Challenge and counted towards our June 30 fiscal year-end goal. You can always give directly on our website at We sincerely thank you for giving generously and for your continued prayers that are making an impact. May you and your family have a blessed summer.


Jonathan Saenz, and the Texas Values Team!!


900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2022, Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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