Friend of Life, This is one of the most surreal moments I've ever experienced. After decades of marching, advocating, and praying, Roe v. Wade is finally finished, the false "constitutional right" to kill a preborn child has been erased by the United States Supreme Court. We are experiencing a truly historic victory for life! I rejoice alongside you for the lives that will be saved due to the reversal of this horrific decision. However, this victory is just the beginning. Our work to transform our culture and make abortion unthinkable is just getting started. Abortion advocates are in an uproar, pushing lies that women will die, life-saving medical care will be eliminated, and the reversal of Roe will lead us back to the "Dark Ages." Remember, abortion is still legal and even subsidized in many states. The killing of preborn babies has not stopped. We are now fighting an uphill battle against an onslaught of disinformation and deceit — the same lies that led to the senseless killing of 63 million innocent children. The pro-life movement is facing its most critical moment in history. In order to keep up our momentum for life, we need your financial support. Specifically, I am looking for 50 people who want to protect babies from abortion to step forward and make a $30 gift before midnight tonight. This will enable us to reach 50,000 moms and dads with the truth they need to choose life. Donate here: There is no doubt about it: the goal of the abortion lobby is to enshrine the "right" to kill a child through abortion in federal law. Now that they have failed in the Supreme Court, we will see more efforts than ever before to pass a national law forcing abortion on every community. Pro-abortion activists are hoping we call it victory and walk away from the fight. But we will not make that mistake. We must ensure that pro-life states, like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Texas, and dozens of others can continue to enact laws protecting preborn babies. We must shut down abortion facilities that are endangering the lives of women and putting to death innocent children—and we must continue the groundwork to build a Culture of Life in states like California, New York, and Illinois where abortion-on-demand is the law of the land. No one has the right to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Our human rights, the first among them the right to life, are inherent and given to us by God. Governments exist to protect those rights. Please stand with us to build a culture that cherishes every human life, starting with our precious preborn children. Make your gift right now to ensure that abortion dies with Roe: People can change, and they change their hearts and minds when they are presented with the true humanity of the preborn child and the horrfic violence of abortion. And no other pro-life organization reaches as many people online with the truth about the killing of preborn children. Your gift of $30 today will get the truth in front 1,000 young women and men who are hearing nothing but lies about abortion from the media. You can be a catalyst for change now: We have reversed a deadly decision that has killed over 63 million innocent children, but we are just getting started in our battle to protect the lives of babies for generations to come. The Court can only change laws, it's up to us to change hearts and minds. Thank you so much for your generosity that can make the end of Roe lead to the end of abortion. For life, Lila Rose Founder and President  2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 102, PMB 111 Arlington, VA 22201 |