Here are some glimmers of hope

You may feel helpless about what’s going on in our country – here are some glimmers of hope. Two More Wins For Democracy! North Dakota and Missouri. Extremists Attacked democracy. RepresentUs stopped them in their tracks. Together we defended voter’s rights to a fair, representative ballot measure system. Read more.These wins will protect MO and ND’s ballot measure process, allow voters to pass laws without politicians and lead to more anti-corruption wins!Uff Da, North Dakota!  Back in 2018, RepresentUs and a team of Badass Grandmas transformed North Dakota’s democracy with some of the nation’s toughest transparency and ethics laws. This year, anti-democracy interests attacked those wins by attempting to make it harder for citizens to run ballot measures. RepresentUs fought and we won, defeating that measure. More on Measure 1.Show me democracy, Missouri! HJR79, would have gutted voters’ access to representative ballot measures. We worked with partners to direct hundreds of calls and emails to lawmakers and stopped the bill in its tracks.So we want to thank you. RepresentUs members published letters, joined our coalition, and invested in organizing to protect our democracy. Fuel This Work.


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RepresentUs brings conservatives and progressives together to fight corruption.
RepresentUs, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100