
It's Election Day!

If you haven’t already voted, find your polling place here, make a voting plan, and then get out and vote!

If you’ve already voted, forward this to friends and family in Oklahoma as a reminder to get out to vote today.


As our Congressman, Stephanie Bice is a strong conservatve voice for OK-5 in Congress that we can all be proud of.

Stephanie Bice is putting Oklahomans first in Congress. Bice is leading the charge to support our military, boost our national security and protect Oklahoma jobs. Stephanie Bice continues to deliver results not rhetoric!

Today, we’re asking you to make your voices heard by casting your ballot. If you haven’t yet voted, there’s still time before the day is over. Click below to find your polling place, and remember to Vote Bice!

If you’re unsure what congressional or legislative district you’re in, use this tool to find your district and polling place.

Find your polling place, make a plan, and GOTV!

Let’s Go Win This!

-Matt Blubaugh
Campaign Manager